Writing A Great Blog Post

Whether you’re writing on a free or a hosted blog, you should always try to write a great Blog Post. Blogs can do a lot for your online entrepreneur efforts.
A blog post can build your reputation online, it can get you clients, help you network, and build SEO for you. It can also make you money!

What Is A Great Blog Post?

A great Blog Post will:
1. Entice search engines to your blog and will get you indexed for keywords you want to be found for.
2. Provide value for your readers.
3. Make money for you by converting visitors to customers or by enticing them to click advertisements.
Let’s take a look at these areas individually:


Blogs are great for search engine optimization. Because they’re interactive and regularly updated, search engines will visit your site often. This will help you climb the ranks in the search engines for keywords you want to rank for. More ranking equals more visitors and more visitors can equal success.


Readers who value what you say on your blog will subscribe, will visit often, will bookmark your posts on social sites and might blogroll it which will send you more search engine traffic and more human traffic as well.


You can monetize your blog many ways. You can monetize it through contextual advertising, paid advertising, and affiliate marketing. The better the content, the more financial potential!

How To Write A Great Blog Post

Make your blog search engine friendly. Do this by sprinkling niche-related keywords through the blog. Using keywords in the header, meta tags, and by anchoring keywords in the text you can get search engine traffic for the words you want to rank for. Don’t overstress about keywords. There are some great tools to use that will help you choose great keywords but try to write naturally about a topic and write quality content before worrying about keyword density. If you write well and pay a little bit of attention to trying to get some keywords in, you can do well. Once you’re getting traffic you can assess data to determine which keywords might be worth targeting further.
Provide valuable information that people want. Give people good information and take your time writing it so that it reads well. Also consider making your blog as interactive as possible by allowing and encouraging comments and being helpful. Some of the greatest online discussions happen in the comments sections of blog posts.
Monetize your blog but don’t overdo it. Crowding the blog with too many adverts could turn people off. Sometimes less is more. Don’t be afraid to try to make money with blogging. There is a lot of potential for profit!

Blog Aesthetics

Finally, when you write a great Blog Post, make it look great, too. Plenty of white space, short paragraphs, and a few subheadings will make your blog posts stand out and grab the attention of your readers. Instead of one long post that looks boring, subheadings can make the subject matter pop and can hold attention of the typical attention deficit disordered browser.
A great rule of thumb that helps to hold the interest of readers includes starting with important information at the beginning as well as telling people early on why they’ll want to keep reading.
After that great post is written, get out and promote it. Self-promotion is vital for online success and with the plethora of social media tools available there are a lot of ways you can get traffic to that great blog post.

See you at the top of Google!

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