8 Blog Elements You Need To Consider

Beyond blog posts that contain quality content, does your blog have pages as well? Are you capitalising on as much of your traffic as possible and is your blog laid out in a way that will increase your chances of online success?
There are some important blog elements that you should make sure you include on your blog. Here are some examples:

1. About Page

Your content might be great. You might make plenty of revenue from it but if you don’t tell your audience about yourself, you probably won’t be able to build trust with them. Your about us page is important as it helps you connect with your readers.

2. Privacy Policy

If you’re making money on that blog, particularly through companies like Google, who have terms of service for their affiliates, you’ll want to include a privacy policy that helps you establish ground rules for your blog. These rules will help you establish trust with your readers as well as have the potential to help you meet requirements to get paid as you make money through various affiliate marketing programs.

3. RSS

Really simple syndication (RSS) allows people to subscribe to your blog. This allows you to capture someone’s attention for more than a nanosecond, as well. Make sure that it’s clear on the blog where people can go to subscribe so that you can capitalise on the potential of every visitor by having your posts appear in their e-mail inbox or RSS reader in the future.

4. Photos

Photos on posts, in your blog sidebar, and in your header have the potential to help you with SEO, with grabbing people’s attention, and with hitting a home run in terms of selling. Don’t forget the alt image tags so search engines can read the photo in terms of subject matter as this will help your organic SEO efforts.


Share your bookmarks with the world through your blogroll or list of links and put bookmark tools on the blog that lets your readers share your blog posts with their friends / readers/ the public. Tools can be added to make social bookmarking simple and more likely.

6. Monetisation

Are you monetising the blog? Whether you put up Google Adwords ads, contextual Kontera ads, an Amazon widget, promote affiliate products, or have your very own product that you’re marketing, blogs can be well-monetised. Read up on helpful tips for effective monetisation strategies. You don’t want to overcrowd your blog with ads or it’ll just appear to be a “splog” (spam-blog). Some internet marketing experts offer specific advice for the best ad placement tips based on your blog template design.

7. Page Load Speed

Test your blog load speed, especially after adding a new blog element, to see how fast it loads. If there’s too much going on and the delay is more than a blink of an eye, you may lose readers before they get a chance to read your great content.

8. Readability / Style

Most successful blogs have a fairly regular pattern that they often follow. You’ll find that most have short paragraphs, plenty of subheadings, and most have an associated photo as well. Most blog posts will contain a few links, too. A link to something related, maybe a call to action link, and sometimes an off-page link to a reference article.

All your posts don’t need to read exactly the same but once you’re blogging for a while, you’ll discover that certain types of blog posts work well in terms of being able to elicit interest and feedback. Becoming known for a signature style can also boost your status in the blogsphere, which can help you increase your subscriber count and get linked to more often.

This is by no means a definitive list of blog elements to consider, but in my opinion the above 8 elements are some of the more important ones. I would be interested to hear your views on what you consider are important elements of a successful blog, feel free to add your opinion in the comments below.

Quoted from :www.Seanseo.com

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